Film vs Film

E.T. vs Mac and Me

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Name: Mi amigo Mac

Date: 2011-02-12

Eliot era un gritón y orgulloso, Eric en cambio era bondadoso.

Name: Alejandro Martinez

Date: 2012-07-21

Is this really a fight?

Name: Anders

Date: 2012-08-14

I'm thinking it's poibssle to use your teeth to the same effect. Just scrape your tongue with your top front teeth. That seems less gross than leaving your tongue scraper lying around.

Name: Yunus

Date: 2015-11-25

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Name: Brodie

Date: 2016-05-31

I like et I've never seen Mac and me but it looks terrible I even got like nothing on rotten tomatoes

Name: Brodie

Date: 2016-05-31

I like et I've never seen Mac and me but it looks terrible I even got like nothing on rotten tomatoes

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