Film vs Film

Tremors vs Slither

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Name: Gabe Lewis

Date: 2011-07-14

Tremors is my pick.

Name: Sheila

Date: 2015-11-24

Japanese was supposedly my foeigrn language, which I haven't touched since I graduated from college. A trip to Japan would be a good incentive to brush up the language.Chinese... (you know the story...)Took Latin for two years in high school as a tool to help learn the roots of vocabulary. Continued for three more years in college. I don't consider it as a foeigrn language because people don't really speak it. It's more of a written language that lays the ground for other Romantic languages.

Name: CharlesJar

Date: 2017-02-01

Tracklist The Ring I Swear (feat. Young Thug)Jar

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