be very honoured if you pcehuasrd a copy @Attila:I know it's not the cheapest. Unfortunately I didn't have any control over the final retail price.The history books are, of course, from someone else who's incidentally got the same name as me.Thanks a lot
Name: Ivano
Date: 2012-08-16
Well i went to buy mine at Best Buy. They told me i had to pay 15 bucks a month but for 3G but so far nothing has noftiied me that i have to pay anything. I have the 3G one now and it works perfectly fine. I will have to wait to see if i really do have to pay every month (which amazon says that we don't have to)
Name: jd
Date: 2014-04-17
the movie grare
Name: jd
Date: 2014-04-17
the movie grare
Name: EmanuelSteks
Date: 2017-04-24
Круизы в пол-цены. 5300 круизов New York Настя или Галина +17186370530 Skype evg7773
Станьте Членом круизного клуба с доступом к избранной программе Стимул Dream Cruises ™ и Global Destination.
Name: Waltermup
Date: 2017-06-19
I love when they finish right in the mouth and I really like anal sex.
Write me on my profile waiting for you
Copy the link paste into the browser and write me
Name: Christa
Date: 2012-08-15
be very honoured if you pcehuasrd a copy @Attila:I know it's not the cheapest. Unfortunately I didn't have any control over the final retail price.The history books are, of course, from someone else who's incidentally got the same name as me.Thanks a lot
Name: Ivano
Date: 2012-08-16
Well i went to buy mine at Best Buy. They told me i had to pay 15 bucks a month but for 3G but so far nothing has noftiied me that i have to pay anything. I have the 3G one now and it works perfectly fine. I will have to wait to see if i really do have to pay every month (which amazon says that we don't have to)
Name: jd
Date: 2014-04-17
the movie grare
Name: jd
Date: 2014-04-17
the movie grare
Name: EmanuelSteks
Date: 2017-04-24
Круизы в пол-цены. 5300 круизов New York Настя или Галина +17186370530 Skype evg7773 Станьте Членом круизного клуба с доступом к избранной программе Стимул Dream Cruises ™ и Global Destination.
Name: Waltermup
Date: 2017-06-19
I love when they finish right in the mouth and I really like anal sex. Write me on my profile waiting for you Copy the link paste into the browser and write me