Film vs Film

Rocky vs Raging Bull

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Name: Vinny

Date: 2010-07-28

I like Rocky,But if you want a great movie to watch Rocky is not one. I think maybe I like it because it as a favorite actor of mine.

Name: coolhustler

Date: 2011-08-16

Raging Bull.. simply for the breakfast / steak scene :))

Name: Tyler

Date: 2012-05-12

Raging Bull by far. Rocky is one of the best films ever made, but Raging Bull is just a freaking masterpiece. Id put it in the top ten best films ever made and Rocky would be down in about the 60s or 70s.

Name: Bryson

Date: 2012-07-24

Rocky by a million, if it wasn't for Rocky Raging Bull would not exist, which I love Raging Bull, but Rocky is far better.

Name: Amala

Date: 2012-09-08

Rocky is mainstream sap raging bull is one classy movie

Name: Blake Von Tilzer

Date: 2016-12-24

Its Obviously Raging Bull, Rocky was a good movie but it created a lot of cliché's that movies still use, raging bull was a master piece that cant be copied because its not only about the boxing and the training (aka rocky) raging bull is also about the human condition and how fragile that can be

Name: Sammyaledo

Date: 2017-01-25

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Name: ThomasUnab

Date: 2017-02-13


Name: Ronan

Date: 2017-11-08

Rocky has won academy awards and raging bull is just a rip off

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