Film vs Film

The Shining vs The Exorcist

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Name: coolhustler

Date: 2011-08-16

Exorcist hands down! For those of you around in the 70's.. I don't remember any ambulances outside the cinemas when Shining was being screened in theatres!

Name: Edinson

Date: 2015-11-24

Fantastic cargo from you, chap. Ive learn your stuff in front of and youre immediately as saatiftciorsly amazing. I benefit from what youve got right at this juncture, respect what youre stating and the way you articulate it. You achieve it entertaining and you even at the present manage to avoid save it sensible. I cant remain to get from beginning to end supplementary commencing you. To facilitate is truly an incredible weblog.

Name: MadMonster

Date: 2017-06-17

The Shining is one of the greatest films ever. So is The Exorcist. I find neither scary, so I'll have to judge based on what I believe the better film is, and for that, I'll have to say The Shining. Kubrick's direction is superb and it's a fun film to analyse.

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