Film vs Film

The Matrix vs Titanic

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Name: Gabe Lewis

Date: 2011-07-14

WTF type comparison is this?! Anyway, Matrix. I HATE Titanic!

Name: Yulissa

Date: 2015-11-25

to gegonos oti mia maalkia (me to bardon dld) ekane stin ameriki tou analfavitismou 28 million me afinei pagera adiaforo. Prosopika den eida to proto kai oute tha do to deutero (exo dei ena epidosio sto MTV kai auto itan arketo)! Eidisi tha itan na kanei anoigma 28 millions kamia 'super' ane3artiti paragogi. tote, nai i would be shocked!!!

Name: Jamesmiz

Date: 2017-02-01

As you will inevitably learn on your path to losing weight, effective weight loss is not only about watching what you eat, but much more about changing your lifestyle. This means changing your habits and how you approach your day-to-day life. Read this information to help you throughout the process.

Name: AngeloblOge

Date: 2017-10-02

As you will inevitably learn on your path to losing weight, effective weight loss is not only about watching what you eat, but much more about changing your lifestyle. This means changing your habits and how you approach your day-to-day life. Read this information to help you throughout the process.

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